Financial Assistance For Low To Middle Income Working Families
Cheerful Home Child Care & Early Learning Center’s Sliding Fee Scale Program provides financial assistance for low to middle income working families, so their children can receive affordable curriculum-based child care. When families cannot afford child care, it becomes an obstacle to employment and personal independence. Cheerful Home is the only child care center in our community providing subsidized care; therefore, Cheerful Home removes an obstacle for parents wanting to work or further their education.
Sliding Fee Scale Program Details
Working parents or those attending school may qualify for one of several subsidies on our Sliding Fee Scale Program after providing proof of income. It is our mission at Cheerful Home to provide families with affordable, educational child care, which in turn provides families with educational assets, stability and independence. All working parents desire a quality child care center that nurtures and teaches their children in their absence, and we are happy to provide that at Cheerful Home for 1305 years.